Wednesday 10 June 2009

5. The Best Hot Chocolate in Scarborough

Le Chat Noir Creperie Scarborough Le Chat Noir Hot Chocolate

The Best Hot Chocolate in Scarborough – Le Chat Noir

People often ask me, ‘Kev, where will I find the best mug of hot chocolate in Scarborough?’

I always ask for clarification. ‘Are you seeking the kind of hot chocolate experience where you rush inside a steamy café to escape from the howling wind and driving rain? You sit at a formica table and warm your hands on the mug as you wipe the condensation from the window (that’s quite a tricky manoeuvre so careful you don’t spill any – especially if you’re wearing a white puffa jacket because then you might start to wish you’d just stayed outside because that’s going to take ages to wash out) and let the warm sweetness revive you as you watch the waves crashing over the sea wall. Or do you just want the best mug of hot chocolate in Scarborough?’

‘Best mug of hot chocolate in Scarborough, isn’t that what I said?’

In that case, the choice is clear. Le Chat Noir creperie on Eastborough does fantastic hot chocolate – proper continental hot chocolate, thick and chocolatey, rather than thin and sugary. It’s the real stuff – which isn’t surprising because Jann at Le Chat Noir is French and obviously they know beaucoup about le chocolat chaud. The mocha is really good too – chocolate and coffee that will pick you up and send you back out with a resolve to ignore the howling wind and the driving rain – weren’t you wearing a puffa jacket anyway, what’s all the fuss about?

If you do want the first experience, then there’s a handful of cafés from the harbour around the Marine Drive that offer the perfect seaside atmosphere – but that’s not what you asked.

Le chat noir

10 Eastborough (near indoor market), 01723 350653


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