Monday 12 January 2009

52 Scarborough Highlights in 52 Weeks

Not everyone appreciates Scarborough’s charm. Sometimes, it’s because they arrive after sitting in a traffic jam for hours. Or they crowd onto a beach like a refugee camp, where aid seems to have been distributed in the form of Kiss Me Quck Hats, before losing ten pounds trying to win a pile of two pence pieces teetering on a ledge in a slot machine. They’ve missed out on Scarborough’s special charm.

My 2009 challenge, if I decide to accept it, is to discover 52 different highlights, lowlights, or happenings that are a part of Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Even then I'll just be scratching the surfact of why Scarborough is so unique - probably. Anyway, 52 highlights in 52 weeks, that's roughly one a week, so I'd better crack on...

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